Resolve & Rest

In collaboration with Union Yoga + Wellness

“…your mind has measureless capacity to affect the quality and the content of your life.”




At the start of yoga class, we are often cued to set an intention, a statement as to why we are here and what we are hoping to receive. We can do the same at the start of a new year or a new life chapter. Join me in a mini-retreat all about honing your focus and preparing for new experiences.

At your own pace

This mini-retreat is designed to assist you with gently shifting some negative thought patterns in the mind towards the positive.

With skill, you can dig around the questions:

How do I want to experience this year?

What ingredients can I carry with me?

How best can I plant the seed, to embody my intention?

Series Details


This workshop is offered at a sliding scale rate. Pick which rate suits your needs.

Standard Rate - $40 +HST

Supporter Rate - $50 +HST

Minimum Rate - $30 +HST

This workshop is accessible to newcomers, while offering those with robust practices of their own new insights and opportunities to grow. Meditation, reflection and Taryn's shared knowledge allowed me to release an old intention and craft a new one—one that was more empathetic, more creative; one that laid a fresh path for me to explore.

Included with your tuition is:

  • A discussion on the efficacy of intention-setting. In a nifty video, I explore what the yogis knew about the mind, and surprising links to what neuroscientists now know about the brain

  • A sankalpa workbook co-designed by Taryn and Sydney Fletcher 

  • A gentle movement practice to prepare the body for deep rest

  • Yoga nidra practice, to plant the seed of your intention

“Throughout this year, I've been returning to the intention that I set during this workshop- maybe the first 'resolution' that has stuck for me. I highly recommend this workshop for both its scientific approach as well as its commitment to yoga philosophy in the present day.”