
Nidrā supplements to support and deepen your learning

Build on your foundation of knowledge with Nidra Supplements

Despite its simple premise, yoga nidrā is a multifaceted modality with endless applications. This also means there are endless lenses through which to view it. If my 20 hour nidrā training is akin to setting a table with multiple dishes to sample, the nidrā supplements provide the opportunity to savour one dish at a time.

my nidra story

I came across yoga nidrā when I was pregnant. I was blessed with time off during my last trimester and had an established seated meditation practice. But I felt I could use another practice to anchor and prepare myself for parenthood. A wise friend said, ‘you know, you can also meditate lying down.’ I was intrigued! Yoga nidrā provided me the deep rest and contemplation my body-mind was needing. I remember managing feeding schedules to be able to attend my first yoga nidrā training as soon as possible. And the learning has continued…

Upon creating my nidrā training and manual, I saw the potential for deeper inquiry beyond my own personal knowledge. There were questions I had for experts in other fields, like hypnotherapists and sleep scientists. It turns out, the community of nidrā facilitators we’ve fostered also has these questions. And so, the supplements began.


Things are about to get even more interesting

available to purchase!

Yoga Nidra v Hypnosis

In this first offering of the Nidrā Supplements, Taryn dialogues with Hypnotherapist, Natasha. Showing up with what we know best, our dialogue will explore the realms of yoga nidrā and hypnosis to uncover the synergy between these two powerful practices.

available to purchase!

Script writing support

You're never required to write your own scripts, but finding a way to speak from your heart will enhance how you teach in a big way. Nidrā program grad and gifted author, B Wise, is joining us to facilitate moving through creative blocks so you can create scripts you’ll be proud and excited to share.

Coming soon!


It can be challenging to receive meaningful feedback on your work as a nidrā facilitator. This is usually because your students are asleep! In this small group setting, you’ll take turns leading a nidrā practice and receiving feedback to further build your skills as a facilitator.

“Thank you so much for continuing to bring your past and current students together in community. You always inspire my passion to promote meaningful, deep rest in myself and others. Can’t wait to connect again.

— one of our community members

OUr first nidra supplement is available for purchase

yoga nidra v hypnosis

An online collab with hypnotherapist, Natasha Marchand. We’ll be defining each modality and peering into the differences and overlaps. We’ll also explore how to use this knowledge to enhance our practice and teachings. This will be a fascinating exploration that you’re not going to want to miss.

let’s keep in touch

If you’d like to be notified by email whenever our next Nidra Supplement offering is happening, please sign up by clicking the button below.